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FSU Access to UF Biorepository for COVID-19 Related Research

In partnership with Florida State University (FSU), The University of Florida (UF) will allow access to its biorepository for FSU researchers conducting COVID-19 related research. Access is considered on a case-by-case basis, and is subject to the availability of materials and the review process outlined below.

Currently, the UF Biorepository has over 5,000 samples consisting of EDTA and lithium heparin plasma, some serum and buffy coat samples via the EDTA tubes from over 100 COVID-19 positive and COIVD negative patients. UF is also working on obtaining BAL and tracheal aspirates from COVID19+ patients.

Process for accessing samples from UF Biorepository for COVID-19 related research

  1. Contact the UF Biorepository regarding available specimens
    • FSU researchers can call or e-mail the Biorepository Client Coordinator, Erin Kelly, (352) 273-6138,  or email the Biorepository general email at (***e-mail is the preferred method for contacting the UF Biorepository)
  2. Submit a protocol to the UF Scientific Review Committee Working Group (SRCWG) for approval
    • The protocol should be submitted to the SRCWG via e-mail
    • The protocol must include, but is not limited to, a study design, hypothesis, feasibility, and how the resulting data will be interpreted.
  3. Provide the UF Biorepository the following supporting documents via e-mail to the Biorepository Client Coordinator, Erin Kelly, or email the Biorepository general email at
    1. UF SRCWG approval letter
    2. Copy of FSU IRB protocol and approval notification
    3. Letter (or proof) of protocol registration with FSU Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)
    4. Completed UF CTSI Biorepository application form. Please note UF is in the process of modifying the form for FSU purposes. Please contact Michael Nichols (Assistant Dean, FSU College of Medicine) at for interim instructions
    5. Copy of the fully executed Material Transfer Agreement (MTA). Please contact Michael Nichols (Assistant Dean, FSU College of Medicine) at for the MTA