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Develop Your Proposal

Before you begin writing your narrative, you may want to find some examples of successfully funded proposals, particularly for the grant you are applying to. The Office of Research Development (ORD) provides FSU faculty access to a database of successful proposals. Your departmental grants analyst can assist with budgeting, or either the departmental liaison in either Sponsored Research Administration (for government funding) or the FSU Research Foundation (for private/non-profit) can advise. The ORD offers a curated library of grant writing articles and books, as well as access to Research Development & Grant Writing News. Regarding compliance issues,the Office of Compliance has a website that serves as a portal for the different compliance issues you may have. ORD staff can review your narrative from a non-specialist perspective, and can identify and ask other faculty members with relevant field or funding agency experience for additional reviews. The Office of Faculty Development and Advancement can review fellowship or award applications as well as find references or referees. Finally, if the grant you are applying for is a limited submission proposal, make sure to check the Limited Submission website to find the internal deadline.