Metal Halide Perovskite Phosphors in LEDs for Full Color Display and Solid State Lighting
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are used widely in solid state lighting, electronic displays, bio-imaging, and photovoltaic applications. A cheaper, more efficient LED device can impact multiple markets. Some of the primary applications include television displays, mobile device displays, medical applications, solid state lighting, and energy applications.
This LED technology comprises two components—an LED device and the process of manufacturing that device. The LED device comprises earth-abundant materials. The manufacturing process takes place at room temperature using simple starting materials and common organic solvents in a single container. The color of the LEDs can be tuned.
In addition, this technology focuses on using phosphors to get the desired color and intensity of light. Organic/inorganic perovskite materials are abundant, non-toxic, and inexpensive. Thus, by using these materials to create phosphors, the cost of the LED device is reduced significantly. This is especially true as our technology approaches 100% conversion of the base LED energy to the phosphor.