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Facts Sheet
(Updated 10/23/2024)

FSU Organizational Codes and Numbers

FSU Main Campus
874 Traditions Way
Tallahassee, FL

DUNS #: 790877419
CAGE Code: 3S772

Panama City Campus
4750 Collegiate Dr.
Panama City, FL

DUNS #: 613922517
CAGE Code: 8UL16
(Do NOT use without SRA approval)

NAICS Codes: 541330, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 611310 (North American Industry Classification System)

FSU formation through Florida State Legislature:  1851
FEIN / FEID: 59-1961248
Federal Employer Identification Number and Federal Tax Identification Number
Congressional District: 2
Use FL-002 in
DHHS Animal Welfare Assurance #: D16-00491 (A3854-01) NSF Institution Code: 0014894000
HHS Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) # for Human Subjects: 00000168 for Grants.Gov NIH Institution Profile #: 513804
HHS Colleges and Universities F&A Rate Agreement is dated: 01/25/2024 FICE Code: 001489 (Federal Interagency Committee on Education)
SAM (System for Award Management) – FSU Sponsored Research Administration maintains an active SAM registration under DUNS # 790877419 (current expiration date is October 11, 2025), but the FSU Panama City campus has a separate SAM registration maintained under DUNS # 613922517 (current expiration date is October 11, 2025).
MyFloridaMarketPlace (formerly SPURS) Vendor ID #: F591961248-101 FBI Originating Agency Identification (ORI) #: FL037600
USDA-NIFA Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) Number 2U3OP.

Cognizant Audit Office

DHHS Director of Cost Allocation
Cohen Building Room 1067
330 Independence Avenue SW
Washington DC 20201
(202) 401-2808

Cognizant Contract Administration Office

Office of Naval Research Atlanta
100 Alabama Street Suite 4R15
Atlanta Georgia 30303-3104
(404) 562-1600

Sponsor Salary Limitations


Based on the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) Executive and Senior Executive Service Level Employee Pay Tables for 2024, effective January 1, 2024, the following annual salary limits (exclusive of fringe benefits and F&A) apply for an individual’s salary charged to projects: HHS NIH: $221,900; DOJ OJP: $244,090; USDA NIFA: $191,900.
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI): $200,000
NIH Graduate Student:
The maximum amount awarded by the NIH for the support of a graduate student on a research grant or a cooperative agreement is tied to the ‘zero level’ National Research Service Award (NRSA) stipend in effect at the time the grant award is issued. The amount provided for compensation includes salary or wages, fringe benefits, and tuition remission. The schedule for NRSA stipends can be found at (see Kirschstein-NRSA Stipend Levels near the bottom of the NRSA web page).
NSF Senior Personnel:
As a general policy, NSF limits salary compensation for senior project personnel to no more than two months of their regular salary in any one year (Summer through Spring semesters). This limit includes salary compensation received from all NSF-funded grants.

Escalation Factors for Proposal Budgets

Sponsored Research Administration encourages investigators to include a reasonable increase in all budget categories to account for inflation in subsequent budget years. Typical increases for salaries and fringe benefits are 1-5% per year. The section on Graduate Tuition Waivers suggests a 1% escalation factor. Escalation rates may be limited by the sponsor. Consult the sponsor’s guidelines or ask the appropriate SRA administrator what rate is generally accepted by a particular sponsor.

Fringe Benefits

The following information regarding Fringe Benefits Rates is for proposal budget development purposes: Fringe benefits should be clearly stated in every proposal’s budget explanation (a.k.a. narrative, justification), and the accuracy of those fringe benefit is the responsibility of the PI. The PI should include sufficient funds in the proposed budget to ensure that fringe benefits associated with sponsor-paid salaries are sufficient. The following pooled rates should be used in calculating fringe benefits on proposals with start dates on or around July 1, 2024.

Please note that these rates include ALL fringe benefits including health insurance.

2024 - 2025  Fringe Benefit Rates
(Effective for the first FY25 payroll period of June 21 - July 4, 2024)

Applicable to: Type  Rate Identifier
Clinical Faculty Salaried 27.9% Salary Admin Plan=022 and Employee Class=Clinical
Faculty Salaried 30.3% Salary Admin Plan=022 or 022A
(Excluding Employee Class=Clinical)
Executive Service Salaried 30.3% Salary Admin Plan=024
Athletic Coaches Salaried 30.3% Salary Admin Plan = 021, only Job Codes 9467,9468,9469,9470
A&P Salaried 41.4% Salary Admin Plan=021
(Excluding Job Code=9467, 9468, 9469, 9470)
Charter School Faculty Salaried 50.7% Salary Admin Plan=022B
USPS Salaried 54.3% Salary Admin Plan=023
Post Docs OPS 21.0% Job Code =M9189, M9189P
Graduate Assistants OPS 8.4% Job Code=M9182, M9183, M9184, W9185, Z9185
Students OPS 1.7% Job Codes beginning with "A" (Excluding Earnings Code FWS)
OPS & Temps OPS 8.4% All other OPS
(Excluding Job Codes M9182, M9183, M9184,
M9189, M9189P, W9185, Z9185, or beginning with "A")

Athletic Coach Supplements All 2.0% Earnings Code AAW
Bonuses and One-Time Pays All 6.2% Any non-base pay without retirement applied (See list)
Overtime and Supplements All 18.5% Any non-base pay with retirement applied (See list)

Please refer to the archived Facts Sheet dated 1/30/2024 for the 2023 - 2024 Fringe Benefit Rates


Graduate Tuition Waivers

Tuition is set annually by the Florida Legislature, with additional local and university fees set by the Florida State University Board of Trustees and Florida Board of Governors.  Please refer to the the waiver rates provided through Student Financial Services. 

IN-STATE Waivers 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028
Waiver Rates Per Hour $403.51 $407.55 $411.63 $415.75 $419.91
Waiver Amounts (In-State rate x credit hours; results rounded to nearest whole dollar)
9 hrs. In-State 3,632 3,668 3,705 3,742 3,779
18 hrs. In-State 7,263 7,336 7,409 7,484 7,558
27 hrs. In-State 10,895 11,004 11,114 11,225 11,338
If OUT-OF-STATE Waivers are requested, please add the Out-of-State rates to the In-State rates listed above. For the Out-of-State rates, please refer to the Student Financial Services website


Waiver Direct Charge Calendar

The waiver direct charge calendar requires OMNI log in information. After log in, click on Tuition Waiver Info/Docs in the top right toolbar.

Indirect Cost Rates - 

Read across and down.

Effective Period Activity All sponsors excluding State of Florida State of Florida Agencies, Local Florida Governments, Florida Water Management Districts Applicable to:
On-Campus, Non-NHMFL Facilities
07/01/23 - 6/30/2025 Research 54.0% MTDC See "All Facilities" below Work conducted on campus except for NHMFL facilities
07/01/23 - 6/30/2025 Instruction 50.0% MTDC See "All Facilities" below Work conducted on campus except for NHMFL facilities
07/01/23 - 6/30/2025 Other Sponsored Activity 45.0% MTDC See "All Facilities" below Work conducted on campus except for NHMFL facilities
On-Campus, NHMFL Facilities
07/01/23 - 6/30/2025 Research, Instruction, Other Sponsored Activity 58.5% MTDC See "All Facilities" below Work conducted at NHMFL facilities
Off-Campus (Work conducted at Non-FSU owned or maintained facilities)
07/01/23 - 6/30/2025 Research, Instruction, Other Sponsored Activity 26% MTDC See "All Facilities" below Work conducted off campus
All Facilities On- or Off-Campus
Effective Immediately Research, Instruction, Other Sponsored Activity Up to 15% TDC State of Florida Agencies
Effective Immediately Research, Instruction, Other Sponsored Activity 26% TDC Local Florida Governments
Effective Immediately Research, Instruction, Other Sponsored Activity 25% TDC Florida Water Management Districts
SBIR and STTR Proposals
SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) Phase 1 25% MTDC Per the OVPR directive this rate is used for all Federal agencies with the exception of NSF.  
STTR (Small Business Technology Transfer) Phase 1 25% MTDC Per the OVPR directive this rate is used for all Federal agencies with the exception of NSF.  


MTDC (Modified Total Direct Costs)
Consists of all direct salaries and wages, applicable fringe benefits, materials, supplies, services, travel and up to the first $25,000 of each subgrant or subcontract (regardless of the period of performance covered by the subgrant or subcontract). Modified total direct costs shall exclude equipment costing $5,000 or more, capital expenditures, charges for patient care, student tuition remission, rental costs of off-site facilities, scholarships, fellowships and participant support costs as well as the portion of each subgrant and subcontract in excess of $25,000.
For projects anticipated to start on or after July 1, 2025: The current Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA) ends June 30, 2025.  FSU anticipates the next NICRA will revise the definition of MTDC to include the first $50,000 of each subgrant or subcontract and exclude equipment costing $10,000 or more. These changes are reflective of the changes to Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) that went into effect on October 1, 2024.  SRA recommends drafting proposal budgets for projects with anticipated start dates on or after July 1, 2025 to consider these anticipated changes.
TDC (Total Direct Costs)
This typically includes all direct costs without any exclusions.  However, at FSU this includes all direct costs with the exception of student tuition remission. If an agreement is funded with federal flow through funds, the total F&A recovered cannot exceed what would have been recovered had the University’s negotiated rate been applied.
Off-Campus Rate
For all activities performed in facilities not owned by FSU and to which rent is directly allocated to the project(s), the off-campus rate will apply. If more than 50% of a project is performed off campus, the off-campus rate will apply to the entire project.

Organizational Demographics

  • Applicant Name or Organization:
    Florida State University
  • Applicant Address and Telephone:
    Sponsored Research Administration
    874 Traditions Way, Third Floor
    Florida State University
    Tallahassee, FL 32306-4166
    Telephone: (850) 644-5260
    FAX: (850) 644-1464
  • Official Authorized to Sign for FSU:
    Stacey Patterson,
    Vice President for Research
    Florida State University
  • Business Official or Financial Officer:
    Pam Ray, Director
    Sponsored Research Administration
  • Point of Contact:
    Please use the SRA Grants Officer
    assigned to your department:
    Pre-Award Staff Assignment Sheet
  • Applicant Name or Organization:
    Florida State University Research Foundation, Inc
  • Applicant Address and Telephone:
    2000 Levy Ave., Suite 351
    PO Box 3062744
    Tallahassee, FL 32310
    Telephone: (850) 644-8650
    FAX: (850) 644-3658
  • Official Authorized to Sign for FSU Research Foundation
    Stacey Patterson, President
    Florida State University Research Foundation, Inc.
  • Business Official or Financial Officer:
    Heather Cave, Director
    Florida State University Research Foundation, Inc.
  • FSURF Organizational Codes
    DUNS Number: 55-6861834
    FEID Number: 59-3211153
    Florida Sales Tax Exemption