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Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy:
Funding Opportunities with the DOE

Date: Wednesday May 26, 2021

Time: 2:00 - 3:00 PM

Location: Virtual Event

Join the Office of Research Development for a special presentation on EERE’s opportunities specifically tailored for FSU researchers led by Scott Minos, Senior Policy and Communications Specialist with EERE. This presentation will feature a Q&A session moderated by ORD’s Mike Mitchell, a prior recipient of EERE funding, and will be of interest to anyone working on topics related to the transition to a clean energy future.

The Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is tasked with driving the research, development, demonstration, and deployment of innovations needed to transition to a 100% clean economy for all Americans by 2050. EERE has numerous opportunities for engagement with university researchers, and is one of the largest sources of federal funding for sustainable technology and practices research and development. EERE is home to a wide range of programs with interest in solar, wind, water, and geothermal power generation, vehicle technologies, building efficiency, bioenergy, advanced manufacturing, and hydrogen fuel cells, and funds both technology development as well as deployment practices and strategies.