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RAMP Training for Humanities Faculty and Support Staff

DateTues., Oct. 4 from 2pm-3pm

Location: Zoom (link provided to registrants)

If you are an FSU Humanities faculty member interested in pursuing external research funding, but feel intimidated by RAMP (the Research Administration Management Portal), you are not alone!  Join the Office of Research Development for a virtual workshop on the grants software system.  Dan Mullins, the RAMP Support Director, and Rose Driber, the Assistant Director of the SRA (Sponsored Research Administration) will lead a tutorial on submitting proposals through RAMP.  Tailoring their presentation to Humanities faculty, Dan and Rose will shed light on how to enter basic funding proposal and budget smartforms as well as federal SF424 applications.  Humanities support staff are also encouraged to attend. 

Come, conquer RAMP, and leave your fears in the dust!